Services and Programs
Transition Student Programs
Career Camps
VR Career Camps prepare for the transition from high school to postsecondary education, training or employment. VR Providers have the flexibility to create a unique, fun Career Camp experience by delivering any combination of the following Pre-ETS in a bundled format, when school is out for at least three consecutive days (e.g., Spring, Summer and Winter breaks).
High School High Tech (Ages 14-22)
The High School High Tech (HSHT) program is offered collaboratively through the Able Trust, VR and local school districts. HSHT program is a year-round, career and college exploration program for students with disabilities to promote careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). HSHT activities include:
- College/University/Technical school tours
- Guest speakers
- Visiting different industries
- Community service projects
- Workshops
- Career experiences
Inclusive Postsecondary Education (IPSE) Programs
Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE) programs are designed for students with intellectual disabilities giving them access to post-secondary education. IPSE programs provide age-appropriate opportunities for learning, employment preparation, recreational activities, social interactions, and the development of natural supports. Many of the programs across the state pair students with peer, academic, and community mentors.
Project SEARCH (Ages 18-21)
Project SEARCH is a nationally recognized internship program that delivers employment training and education. The goal is competitive employment. To reach that goal, the program provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent-living skills to help young people with significant disabilities make successful transitions to productive adult life.
Project SEARCH involves an extensive period of skills training and career exploration, innovative adaptations, long-term job coaching with continuous feedback from teachers, skills trainers and employers. At the completion of the training program, students with significant intellectual disabilities are employed in nontraditional, complex and rewarding jobs. In addition, the presence of a Project SEARCH program can bring about long-term changes in business culture that have far-reaching positive effects on attitudes about hiring people with disabilities and the range of jobs in which they can be successful.
Youth Leadership Forum (Ages 16-19)
The Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities is a unique leadership-training program for high school students with disabilities. By serving as delegates from their communities at a four-day event in the state capital, young people with disabilities cultivate leadership, citizenship and social skills.